November Book Haul

Let’s take a moment to talk about receiving free advanced reading copies, shall we?  Let me first say that I truly, truly appreciate being given these books for free ~ especially when they come in the form of real books in the mail.  It’s like Christmas all year when the mailman brings those packages.  I take my reviews seriously and *try* to read and review in the order of publication.  Am I perfect?  No, of course not.  But I do try.

So please understand that what I am about to share is not a complaint!  It’s really not.  Just more of a feeling of, “What in the world?”  I was just a tad bit shocked at the time frame requested for turn around from reading to reviewing on a book I received.


I received an advanced reading copy of 4321 by Paul Auster.  From the blurb, it looks like this is going to be a very good book and I’m looking forward to getting into it.  However, it is 866 pages long and I was asked to have the review in, within the next 3 weeks and 4 days.

Oh my word.

Now see, I do understand that there are people out there than can churn them out that fast.  Folks who devour 2-3 books per day or who could certainly handle 866 pages in one week.

I, however, am not one of those people.  I don’t read as fast as that and I have many things that, on any given day, can derail my reading plans mightily.  So I do my best.  I read as much as I can and I get my reviews in as close as I can to when they are requested.  But almost 900 pages in 3.5 weeks just isn’t going to….can’t happen in my world.  Not to mention that every month I have books in my schedule – that have been plugged into my calendar for that time period because I received them so far in advance – so there were/are several in front of this rather large tome.

I will do my best.  I will read this and I really am looking forward to it.  It honestly sounds like it’s going to be a great book.  It’s just not a 3.5 week kind of book for me.  :0)

Moving on…

A very sweet friend gifted me with The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling because she knows I’m a complete and utter fan girl.


I also ended up getting 2 digital books from Netgalley.  The first was The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco


 and also The Twilight Wife by A.J. Banner.


 Then I received a bundle from Simon & Schuster containing:  The Impossible Fortress by Jason Rekulak,


The Fall of Lisa Bellow by Susan Perabo



Gizelle’s Bucket List: My Life with a Very Large Dog by Lauren Watt.


So those were my bookish deliveries for November.

Happy Reading Everyone!

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